So I'm trying to work on stuff that matters. Yes, really!

After finishing school, I took a gap year. To enhance my knowledge of the world, and to grow up - but not through travelling. Instead, I supported mentally disabled artists for a year in an art therapy group. I've always been volunteering: organising summer camps for children, selling cakes for charity, mentoring a teenager in London ( plus I also sold and drank alcohol to get money for a good cause...). My MSc project for Siemens focused on the workflow of outpatient care nurses, and those of you who know me better know why I care a lot about how my generation will deal with aging parents. 

Combine that with my passion for agile and lean startup, the desire to work in a balanced team, and my interest in the overlap between UX and product management, and it should be pretty obvious to you why I joined Sidekick Studios at the beginning of this year. You can read my intro and see a current photo of me on the Sidekick blog.

I'm currently working on getting a concept in the context of older people, communities and food from idea to reality. I aim to share my progress and learning here, kicking lazy blogger me back into action.