Site map creation tools for content audits

I asked on Twitter:

"Looking for an automatic site map creation tool for content audits. Recommendations? Is Powermapper any good?"

Powermapper got support and good feedback! Other tools recommended were WinWSD, SortSite, iGooMap, Integrity, SiteOrbiter, or Xenu in combination with MindManager.

Here are your answers:

@davewpetersen: WinWSD ia brute force tool & SortSite (more tech audit oriented)
@amyk1203: powermapper is a good for starting an inventory. Support response is quick too.
@logorrhoea: I use iGooMap (Mac only, I think). Or try Integrity (also Mac, donationware, I think).
@leannebyrom: Powermapper works really well for site mapping
@doriantaylor: there is also SiteOrbiter
@boonerang: I rely on Xenu to get the crawl data right then port to MindManager or other tools
@guerillagirl_ pointed to the Omnigraffle Site Map generator
@carlrc Let me know if you find one. I use integrity to crawl links and then edit down that data in excel

Thanks, all!